Priced for everyone

Develop in a fraction of the time, deploy at a fraction of the cost. Get started for free.

Cancel anytime. Keep your infrastructure.




$0 USD

per month + AWS usage

Feel how easy it is to deploy with FlexStack. No credit card required.

Start for free

$19 USD

per month + AWS usage

For developers and indie hackers who want to build and deploy faster on AWS.

Select plan

$29 USD

per user/month + AWS usage

For startups and agencies looking to collaborate and scale their projects.

Select plan
The number of managed development, staging, and production environments that can be provisioned at the same time.
Container services
The number of managed services that can be running at the same time.
Team members
The number of team members that can collaborate on a project.
Just you
Just you
Unlimited + RBAC
Secrets and variables
Securely store and manage environment variables and secrets for both runtime and build-time.
Receive notifications for deployments, errors, and more.
Email and Webhooks
Email, Slack, and Webhooks
Architecture automation
Services are automatically fine-tuned for cost-savings.
Automatically deploy services when you push to your Git repository.
Docker builds
Build Docker images faster on FlexStack's build-optimized cloud.
Concurrent deploys
Build and deploy multiple services at the same time to substantially speed up your workflow.
Health checks
Automatically rollback to the last working version when a deployment fails. Zero-downtime deployments.
Service logs
View logs and metrics for your services in real-time.
Using CloudWatch
Integrate with Datadog, Axiom, BetterStack, and more
Integrate with Datadog, Axiom, BetterStack, and more
Horizontal autoscaling
Automatically scale services based on traffic and resource utilization.
High availability
Deploy services across multiple availability zones.
Spot pricing
Save on compute costs significantly by using spare AWS capacity.
Global regions
Deploy services in regions close to your users for low latency.
Global CDN
Cache and deliver content to users around the world with low latency.
Private networking
Securely connect services in a private network designed for growth.
Service discovery
Automatically discover and connect healthy services in your project.
Custom domains
Use your own domain name to access your services and projects.
Community support
Talk to our team and community on Discord for help and advice on your projects.
Chat support
Get help from our team of experts immediately when you need it.

Pay for what you need.

Deploy your first app for less than $10/month – all in. Up to 10x cheaper than competing services to get started. Seriously.

CPU   –  $0.0025352/hour

Based on the selected CPU architecture and whether spot pricing is enabled.

Memory   –  $0.00069604/hour

Based on the selected CPU architecture and whether spot pricing is enabled.

Ephemeral storage   –  $0.00222/hour

The amount of storage attached to your instances.

Network egress   –  $0.085/GB

The amount of data transferred out of your services to the internet.

Requests per second

FlexStack can automatically scale your architecture to a load balanced configuration when the cost of API Gateway requests exceeds the cost of an Application Load Balancer.

CPU architecture

ARM instances are more cost-effective than x86 instances.

CPU, memory, and storage
Public IP2$3.60
API Gateway requests$0.00
Network egress$0.09
Total estimate1$7.97/month
1 Estimate is based upon our default region (us-west-2) as of Oct 2024 and will vary regionally. It does not take into account free tier usage or credits applied to your account.
2 Applies only when the total number of running instances * rate is below the cost of a NAT gateway in your region. We automatically find the best cost-performance for your use case.

Frequently asked questions

If you can't find what you're looking for, reach out to our team. For a detailed look at how we integrate with AWS, read our FlexStack for AWS documentation.

What is the upfront cost to running FlexStack on my AWS account?

Creating any Development, Staging, or Production grade environment without any running services is free of charge. Services are billed by AWS per their regional rates, but FlexStack optimizes costs to suit your use case.

How will I be billed for using FlexStack?

You pay for the resources you use on AWS and a monthly subscription fee for FlexStack. Your AWS usage is billed directly by AWS and your FlexStack subscription is billed by us. You will be billed at the end of each month for the number of team members you have in your FlexStack organization at that time.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You will be billed for the current month, and your cloud's connection to FlexStack will be disabled. Your AWS services will continue to run and be billed by AWS unless you explicitly stop them. You just won't be able to use FlexStack's features anymore. Learn more about disconnecting FlexStack from your AWS account. .

Can I downgrade my plan?

Yes, you can downgrade your plan if you are using fewer resources than your current plan allows. You can upgrade your plan again at any time. Your plan will continue to be active until the end of the billing cycle, at which point you will be billed for the new plan.

How are team members counted for billing?

We use the number of team members in your FlexStack organization at the end of the month to calculate your subscription fee. For example, if you have 3 team members in your organization on the first day of the month and 2 team members join on the last day of the month, you will be billed for 2 team members.