Integrate with the tools you love

FlexStack integrates with the tools and workflows that make your team more productive.

Work smarter, not harder

We're adding more integrations all the time. We want you to use the tools you're used to so you can focus on building great products. From IaC, to monitoring, to team collaboration, we are striving to integrate with the platforms that help product teams succeed.

A screenshot of FlexStack's dashboard


FlexStack is fully integrated with AWS. Connect your AWS account to deploy services to your AWS infrastructure. We use AWS IAM roles to securely deploy your services to your account.


Connect your GitHub repositories to FlexStack to automatically deploy your services. FlexStack listens for changes to your repositories and deploys your services when you push changes to your branches. Install the FlexStack GitHub app to get started.

A screenshot of FlexStack's dashboard


Configure Slack notifications so your team can stay up-to-date on changes to your services. Get notifications for deployments, services, and more.

A screenshot of a FlexStack Slack notification


Keep the team in the loop with Slack notifications. Install the FlexStack for Slack app to receive messages about deployments and services right in your Slack workspace.

Observability simplified

FlexStack integrates with your favorite observability tools. Monitor your services with Datadog, Axiom, Better Stack, and more. Understand how your services are performing and get alerts when things go wrong by connecting with these third-party services. Observability integrations guide


Datadog is a monitoring and analytics platform for cloud-scale applications. Use Datadog for end-to-end, simplified visibility into your FlexStack environment's health & performance


Never sample or worry about retention again. Axiom is built from the ground up to ingest and store petabytes of data at industry-leading efficiency. Use Axiom to store and query your FlexStack logs, create dashboards, and more.

Better Stack

Visualize your entire stack, aggregate all your logs into structured data, and query everything like a single database with SQL. Start sending your logs to Better Stack and get insights into your FlexStack environment.

Mezmo (formerly LogDNA)

Mezmo Telemetry Pipeline helps collect, transform, and route telemetry data to control costs. With Mezmo you can centralize data from various sources via an open source platform.