Help Center

Get answers to your questions about pricing, billing, and technical support.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to the questions we get most frequently. If you can't find what you're looking for, reach out to our team directly instead.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You will be billed for the current month, and your cloud's connection to FlexStack will be disabled. Your AWS services will continue to run and be billed by AWS unless you explicitly stop them.

How can I downgrade or cancel my subscription plan?

You can downgrade or cancel your subscription any time by visiting the Billing dashboard. Changes to your subscription will take effect immediately.

How can I delete my account or organization?

Currently a full account closure/deletion requires you to contact our team directly. Use the form on the right or reach out to our team via email and we will be more than happy to assist you promptly. We are working on adding this functionality to the dashboard ASAP.

How can I audit what FlexStack is doing in my AWS account?

Use AWS CloudTrail to audit the actions that FlexStack takes on your behalf. We recommend enabling AWS CloudTrail in all regions where you have FlexStack-managed resources. This will allow you to see all API calls made by FlexStack.

How does billing work?

You pay for the resources you use on AWS and a monthly subscription fee for FlexStack. Your AWS usage is billed directly by AWS and your FlexStack subscription is billed by us.

How can I determine the cost of FlexStack resources in AWS?

Because every resource we create is tagged, you can use the AWS Cost Explorer to see the cost of resources we create. For example, you could allocate the PoweredBy tag to segment the entirety of your FlexStack spend. You can also break down costs by Environment, Project, or Component by using their specific tags. From there, you can narrow things down further by AWS service, for example API Gateway or ECS.

For a general estimate of the cost of running a service, visit our Pricing page.

I'm having issues with a deployment. What can I do?

First visit our Troubleshooting Deploys guide . If this doesn't help, join our support channel on Discord for community assistance. If you are experiencing an emergency production issue, you may contact our team directly using the form on the right or by reaching out to our team via email.

Reach out to our team directly

Our team is happy to help. We will respond to any inquiries as soon as we can. In the meantime, join our support channel on Discord if the community can be of assistance. Our staff hangs out there, too.